Depression Treatments

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Keys to the Best Version of Yourself

In the realm of personal development and psychology, the concepts of growth mindset and fixed mindset, introduced by Carol Dweck, have become pivotal in understanding how individuals perceive and achieve their potential. Alongside these mindsets, the ideas of internal and external locus of control further enrich our comprehension of human behavior and motivation. Additionally, the…

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How I Climbed Out of a Dark Hole with Ketamine Therapy

I experienced my first blinding, unbearable migraine roughly five years ago. It was the day after my last Bronchiole surgery. Since then, the headaches have gotten progressively worse and I have been diagnosed with Cluster Episodic Headaches. Within the past six months, I have been bedridden or in the ER. Everything was a struggle ─…

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Ketamine for Depression and Eating Disorders

There are more than 3 million cases of depression in the US each year, and it’s estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder. Antidepressant drugs aren’t always effective, so if you’re not getting any relief from any of today’s western medications, then ketamine treatments may provide some hope. Conditions Treated by Ketamine Many…

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overweight woman on couch, weight scale on floor nearby
Depression and Weight Gain

While some people do experience a loss of appetite with their depression the majority of those who suffer have to deal with the unfortunate side effect of weight gain. A March 2010 review of 15 studies, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, linked obesity to a greater risk of developing depression – and vice…

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